Two Part Series
This is a 2 Part Series taught to a Live Audience of Leaders.
The First Session was an in-depth lesson on being "Doers Of The Word". James 1:22 tells us "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." We can hear the Word, even get excited about the Word, but if we hear it but don't put it to practice, we deceive ourselves. God spoke to me saying, "There are many people in Church that are deceived thinking their relationship with Me is better than it really is." This teaching will help you not just be a Hearer but a Doer of the Word of God.
The Second Session was a powerful message titled: "Embrace the Tough Seasons". Many times we think the "Tough Season" we are in is going to destroy us, or that season is not what I am called to do. We then can get discouraged and want to quit in that season. If you stay steadfast in that season, you will soon see how God used that season to catapult you into your destiny!